Saturday, July 10, 2010


i have a choker necklace on and i can't get it off.

i spent $130 on books in one go

i'm broke. right before our usual massive vacation. sad face

i bought regina spektor's new album Far IN STORES not on itunes or anything

i bought TFK's (thousand foot krutch, to all you non hard rock/metal listeners) completely anthology. surprisingly, in stores, it's their complete second, third, and forth album, intead of just a compilation like it is on itunes. and it was only 15 buck for 35 songs.

i learned that if i'm ever out on a date with a nice guy, i should order a classic champange cocktail. haha i'm underage. but hey, the past 3 generation of my family all met in bars. my parents, my grandparents, and my great-grandparents. granted, two of those people are dead and another two divorced, but...

i had a best buy gift card. thank the God of Lamb Curry, cuz as mentioned before, i'm broke.

last night, my best friend BB had a party. she left her im logged in on her downstairs computers, and most of the drunk partyers were down there. my nickname ( which was the one that was displayed) is Max, so they thoughty i was my best friend's boyfriend (THAT was awakward) so they pretended to be BB on the computer and called me every name in the book and pretty much...dumped me. again,awkward.
GOING ON VACATION TO THE BEACH LIKE EVERY SUMMER but this year is the last year with my older sister. she'll be off to college next summer. YAY NEXT SUMMER I'M BRINGING BB!
um...that entire post was just mentally challenged. i wonder how that reflects on me...X)

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