Friday, January 22, 2010

Why I Hate My Sister

My bitchy older sister is taking SATs tomorrow. i've heard of stressed, but shes just a bitch. She said i was making noise and had to be quiet when my headphones were on and i was sitting on my bed. She also said i had to turn my light off because it "wasn't dark enough" in her room. Suck it up, I have 3 huge windows facing the very bright upstreet(teen hangout area), but you dont see me bitchin all over the place, miss one-window-facing-away-from-your-bed-thick-curtains-bitch! my door was closed all the way and i'm all the way down the hallway, my door not facing hers. she said she had to get up early for tests, but it was midnight! she should have been in bed at 8:43! I make her lunch, give her great gifts, always try to make her happy, and now shes just gone full on wicked bitch of the west on me!
I hope you don't die, but Star...,

Sunday, January 17, 2010

the horror that is being a whindian part 1

You guys don't know this, but i'm a hindian. whindian, to be exact.
what is this strange new term? is she saying she's hindu.
I SAID HINDIAN NOT HINDUAN(is hinduan even a word?)
Whindian means that I am half white, half indian(the subcontinent india. while both cultures have tribes, india is on a different continent.)
I'm bi racial. if you have a problem with that, well i get it all the time so screw you!
It's funny, when i told a couple of girls in my hralth class(shudder) that i was half white half indian, that no, i wasn't adopted, and yes, my parents are still together, they just shots looks at eachother that said more than words could ever.
but, i've gotten it since i was in 1st grade, so i deal. still, ouch. but the icing on the cake, the thing that made this (insert rude term for bi-racial here)even more of a leper, was my religion.
or lack thereof.
i'm an explicit strong aetheist.
aetheist are classified by weak vs, strong and implicit vs. explicit
explicit strong aetheim is the concious belief that no god(s) exsist. that is only the most basic and raw definition. i would write more but it 1:13 AM so i'll continue it later.
don't finish your bucket list while i'm gone,


Carly & Freddie Kiss OFFICIAL VIDEO!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Facts About Me...

sup, guys.
ineddcaffeinesobadthisisallrunningtogether*aspiring authoress goes downstairs and gets coffee, comes back, and sits at her laptop*
Ahhh... That's better!
Facts about me(brace yourself for randomocity)

I love red!

My friends say my eyes have a red tinge to them. freaky as it may seem, it's true(hence my profile pic)

my bff BB and i invented hummus-salsa-taco-burrittos

i fell down my stairs...and lived!

My basement has a metal spiral staircase. Suprisingly, those weren't the ones i fell down...

I talk to myself.. a lot

the only Miley songs i like are Bottom of the Ocean and Right Here. they're completely different than her other songs! I HAVE AN EXCUSE! DONT HURT ME!

I'm a Creddie shipper! 3 cheers for iSaved Your Life, coming this Monday!

I'm a closet emo (well not anymore with my readers, but with my family and guys at my school)

I can't pronounce 'espescially'. i don't even think i spelled it right...

I talk really fast. REALLY. FAST.

Kanye West can go to hell. Irionically, i have a pair of those kickass glasses he wears...


I have a silver 16 gig iPod Chromatic. named it Felix.

I liked Demi Lovato BEFORE she was popular. Once i heard her new album, though, i tried not to hurl. and failed.

That's it...for now...

Don't play Polish Roulette(it's real, look it up!) while i'm gone,


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Lorain may be skipping the 8Th grade and going straight to high school!
I won't have to see her in my classes ever again!
THANK YOU JE-ZUS(oh and could you say hi to great grandma Rose? thanks!)
please let Lorain decide to skip!!!
her best friend Alyssa doesn't want her to go. She says she's just looking out for her, but we all know she's jealous and also afraid of having to think for herself instead of just copying Lorain like Arthur Bauer to Erik fisher in Tangerine by Bloor. Except Lorain isn't popular, but, just like Erik, she and her family act like shes going somewhere, when she's not. That file on daddy's IBM is empty!(book reference)
You know what bugs me? of course you don't, you don't know me at all!
People who act like Harvard Law is going to accept them, no doubt about it, they're going to be supreme court lawyers, marry a doctor, have twins, grow old, learn how to knit, bake cookies with their grandchildren, and die peaceful of old age in their sleep at 101!

read my lips, Alyssa


you have to be able to make decisions on your own in order to do anything at all!
oh, and you have to have a brain too. that's a deal breaker right there
you might have noticed I'm calling her Lorain now.
the spell check on this doesn't have what i called her before and i can't stand those red underlines!!!!!!!!!!

keel over while I'm gone and I'll kill ya
P.S. WATCH V, 2009 coming back in march!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

YesYesYes Whoo-Hoo!

Yes Yes Hallelujah!!!

I have a snow day! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it that people never let you sleep in on snow days?

This morning, at Seven-effing-fifteen, my friend texted me to tell that we had a snow day.

Umm... thanks, but i kinda wanted to sleep in!

Nevermind! it's hard to be mad a someone on the only snow day of the year!
I would like to thank bbthegreat for being my very first follower! BB, bbthegreat, do my readers see a connection there? If not, read my second post!

It's been snowing like crazy all day! YAY!

BB and i are going shopping tomorrow morning. Morning, as in 10:00 AM!
I know, how can the Queen of Weekend Laziness going to do this? I'll tell you how!

Caffeine near-overdose. Coffee Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry this is so short, but i have to get ready. BB's sleeping over tonight for some serious girl gossip.

Don't give the world a 21 gun salute while i'm gone,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow Days! and Sports

Today we had a 2 hour delay! It was the first snow delay of the entire school year!!
We might have a snow day tomorrow! Snow days! are so awesome that we have to put exclamations after them. Alright, enough with the exclamations. Okay, just one more.
I have good news And bad news.

Good news
The Steelers won their last game!

Bad news
They aren't going to the playoffs.

I'm not really into football, but I am a Pittsburger! Football is what makes us the best city in America. Even Obama likes Pittsburgh!

I really like hockey and soccer. I like watching cricket, too, but i'm not very good. Come to think of it, i'm not good at any sports! Seriously.

Anna is to sports
Loran is to makeup

We're crappy at it!

Follow please!

Don't Take A Dirt Nap While I'm Gone,

Monday, January 4, 2010

Change, Inner City, and Hot Sk8ters

OKAY thats it. No more "im intellectual. i write book reviews" no.nonononononononononononononononono.STOP. i'm a 15 year old girl in "the inner-city(sigh of pity) as weird surburban adults would say. [puh leez they wouldn't survive a week here unless they're cooped up in hotel rooms and they only leave to go to a nice dinner in the nice part of town.]
truth is, we write about boys and school and feminism and random things and having fun and friends and girls we hate and how much we hate our mothers and how we want to curl up in to a ball and die and how miserable we are and these pervs we met when we went to lunch with our best friends and that totally hot sk8er we met at lunch and how our friend and us were totally into him and his friend and then how you never saw him again but how that counts as you first date and how you wrote about on your blog.
so i'm gonna change. oh and do you like my bloggy?
dont kick the bucket while i'm gone,
Anna Gangwar

Book Recommendations

Book Recommendations

Hi there. Again, since I'm just starting out, I'm trying to get a foundation laid out fast. It might seem weird, but I need to give out some book recommendations,book reviews, and some possible book/story ideas of my own soon.

Today's topic: Book recommendations!
I read a lot of realistic fiction and fantasy, with the occasional sci-fi.
My favourite sci-fi book are:
Gone Series by Micheal Grant

My favourite realistic fiction books are:

Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar

Snitch by Allison van Diepen

Flipped by Wendelin van Draanen

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

Bleach Blonds series by Katherine Applegate

and My favourite Fantasy? here you go

Harry Potter J.K. Rowling (duh!)

Warriors saga by the awesome amazing women who make up Erin Hunter and her Golden Keyboard.

Vladimir Tod series by the fangtastic Heather Brewer-- Eleventh Grade Burns is almost out!!!!! OH MY VLAD!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*aspiring authoress(me!) faints from lack of oxygen*

Varjak Paw by SF Said-- Come on man/woman! WRITE ANOTHER BOOK! YOU CAN JUST LEAVE YOUR AND VARJAK'S FANS HANGIN!! *aspiring authoress drowns in her own tears*

Uglies series by Scott Westerfield

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Inheritance Cycle(aka the Eragon book series)

Alright, What do you think? I'll probably write reviews of as many of these books that i can.
I have a massive turn-this-in-or-fail-my-class, counts-for-60%-of-my-grade project due in about a month. Also, standardized testing is coming up in a few months and my school needs to keep up it's "highest in academics for a public school in this city" hoity-toity nose-in-the-air crap. Which means my teachers are driving info through our skulls using rusty lobotomy tools. AAAHH! my one demonic Satan worshipper-I mean teacher-is taking some sort of sadistic enjoyment in it, too! she even says, "My favourite part of my job is ruining the weekends of my students." almost every day!right too our faces with this big-a** grin on her face!
so my updates might become a bit more far between. Some of you are probably dancing around your room, yelling "hallelujah! i don't have to listen to this weirdo anymore!
Well you're just a meanie poo-face! so there!

Also, please check out Bathory Gazette and Heather Brewer's blog!

Most importantly, please follow me!!!!!!!!!!!! i currently have none!zero! nein followers!one less than uno! Please! Please. Please? plz.

is blogging stupid? ooohhh i know, follow me to answer. you know you want tooooooooo...

Take care, or at least try to not die while I'm gone.

-Anna Gangwar

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Friend Drama Backstory. And I Take Requests!!

before school starts for the new semester and a whole bunch of bottled up anger from the last 2 weeks goes down heres a little backstory. remember, the names are changed. sorry this will prob bore you.

Loran and Alissa are my enemies. we had and argument. alissa told loran that i'd said something to her that i didn't.Loran got angry and well, she called me a number of things that i really should't repeat. i also said some rude things. Now, loran denies she ever insulted me and that her and alissa are innocent victims of my supreme bitchiness. everyone would have believed them, if they didn't hate them. loran and alissa have made a habit of insulting the economic backgrounds of everyone who might pose a threat to their search for a single shred of popularity to cling to as if it were the lafe life boat on the Titanic. they have made an enemy of every single student in our grade. Rose, BB(good friends of mine), and i pretend to be close friends with loran and alissa, but all five of us are plotting something.

What can I say? Girl world is survival of the most manipulative. the ocassional genuine "good guy" who is totally sweet nice and cool is way up there on the food chain, always. but, other than that. it's a cat-eat-cat world out there, ladies.

I know you don't want to waste your time hearing this, but i'll occasionally put a rant comment about Loran and alissa on hear and i don't want my lovely, faithful(unlike tiger, i seriously hate him) followers to be all like "WTF! what is this crazy chick talking about?

Take Care


P.S. oh and if you want me to write about acertain topic, i'll gladly take requests. i'm new at this. But nothing political. Use my services like an advice column, if you will.

Intro and spazzines

Hello.First blog ever! For me, that is.
From the blog title you probably think i'm some depressed/goth/emo/artsy freak/just weird in general person. But i'm not. i have my reasons:

1. I was suffering from caffeine deprivation when i titled it.

2.I had a bad case of EndofWinterBreak-itis

3.i was listening to Absolutely (Story of a girl) by nine days. it's actually a depressing song when you think about the lyrics. it's not a good song either. Why in the name of all that is chai did i buy that song...? Must have had a spaztastic spaz moment.

So, this i just a quick intro telling you what you'll find in my pseudo-depressed/goth/emo/artsy freakish/just weird in general blog.
I'll definelty write about books i've read,-- the oh-my-god-how-did-i-not-know-of-this-literary-masterpiece-before! books, and those books that i had to put down every 5 min. to run to the ladies room and vomit books

I'll also write about some good movies (note: I dislike most rom-coms)

I won't blog about celeb issues normally cuz i have a strict policy: I don't care about the celebs' lives, cuz it's none of my f-ing bidnit, as the most charming young man at my school would say. but i'll allow for some tiger woods jokes.

I'll blog over some school stuff, friend/ enemy drama, but i change all names places and maybe i'll tweak physical descriptionI(though i usually won't add what they look like) i try my best not to offend anybody. except tiger woods hate him

the black side of him was driving the escalade and the asian side crashed it (heard this one from this girl who worked at my local Aerie)

You know the difference between Santa Clause and tiger woods? santa stopped at 3 hos
yeah theyre mean but my Indian side is royally P.O.ed at him for cheating. and drinking. and driving an escalade.?Indian don't like a lot of things. sorry, it's been drilled into my skull. i'll try to plaster over it if i offend anyone and you tell me.

sorry, off subject. sadly i have school tomorrow and WAY too much algebra homework. plus i'm getting back a bordering-on-illegally-hard test in world history. plus 2 notebook checks. and gym class. and i have something due for english but i dont know what! the only friend i have in that class who could tell me is in a time zone 14 away! die you limited-distance calling plans! stupid Euraguay, so dang far away...

Eat your veggies (feed them to the dog under the table)
Respect your elders (don't trust anyone over 30)
And have a nice day (WHO CARES ABOUT YOU. MY SCHOOLWORK PROCRASINATION IS COMING BACK AND BITING ME IN THE A**! fluck fluck fluck. my friend says that so teachers can't bust her for swearing during Algebra pop quizzes)

Take Care,
Anna Gangwar
P.s. wow. I got off subject a LOT in there. SORRY LUV YOU ALL!!!!!!!