Friday, January 8, 2010

YesYesYes Whoo-Hoo!

Yes Yes Hallelujah!!!

I have a snow day! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it that people never let you sleep in on snow days?

This morning, at Seven-effing-fifteen, my friend texted me to tell that we had a snow day.

Umm... thanks, but i kinda wanted to sleep in!

Nevermind! it's hard to be mad a someone on the only snow day of the year!
I would like to thank bbthegreat for being my very first follower! BB, bbthegreat, do my readers see a connection there? If not, read my second post!

It's been snowing like crazy all day! YAY!

BB and i are going shopping tomorrow morning. Morning, as in 10:00 AM!
I know, how can the Queen of Weekend Laziness going to do this? I'll tell you how!

Caffeine near-overdose. Coffee Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry this is so short, but i have to get ready. BB's sleeping over tonight for some serious girl gossip.

Don't give the world a 21 gun salute while i'm gone,

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