Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow Days! and Sports

Today we had a 2 hour delay! It was the first snow delay of the entire school year!!
We might have a snow day tomorrow! Snow days! are so awesome that we have to put exclamations after them. Alright, enough with the exclamations. Okay, just one more.
I have good news And bad news.

Good news
The Steelers won their last game!

Bad news
They aren't going to the playoffs.

I'm not really into football, but I am a Pittsburger! Football is what makes us the best city in America. Even Obama likes Pittsburgh!

I really like hockey and soccer. I like watching cricket, too, but i'm not very good. Come to think of it, i'm not good at any sports! Seriously.

Anna is to sports
Loran is to makeup

We're crappy at it!

Follow please!

Don't Take A Dirt Nap While I'm Gone,

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