Sunday, January 3, 2010

Intro and spazzines

Hello.First blog ever! For me, that is.
From the blog title you probably think i'm some depressed/goth/emo/artsy freak/just weird in general person. But i'm not. i have my reasons:

1. I was suffering from caffeine deprivation when i titled it.

2.I had a bad case of EndofWinterBreak-itis

3.i was listening to Absolutely (Story of a girl) by nine days. it's actually a depressing song when you think about the lyrics. it's not a good song either. Why in the name of all that is chai did i buy that song...? Must have had a spaztastic spaz moment.

So, this i just a quick intro telling you what you'll find in my pseudo-depressed/goth/emo/artsy freakish/just weird in general blog.
I'll definelty write about books i've read,-- the oh-my-god-how-did-i-not-know-of-this-literary-masterpiece-before! books, and those books that i had to put down every 5 min. to run to the ladies room and vomit books

I'll also write about some good movies (note: I dislike most rom-coms)

I won't blog about celeb issues normally cuz i have a strict policy: I don't care about the celebs' lives, cuz it's none of my f-ing bidnit, as the most charming young man at my school would say. but i'll allow for some tiger woods jokes.

I'll blog over some school stuff, friend/ enemy drama, but i change all names places and maybe i'll tweak physical descriptionI(though i usually won't add what they look like) i try my best not to offend anybody. except tiger woods hate him

the black side of him was driving the escalade and the asian side crashed it (heard this one from this girl who worked at my local Aerie)

You know the difference between Santa Clause and tiger woods? santa stopped at 3 hos
yeah theyre mean but my Indian side is royally P.O.ed at him for cheating. and drinking. and driving an escalade.?Indian don't like a lot of things. sorry, it's been drilled into my skull. i'll try to plaster over it if i offend anyone and you tell me.

sorry, off subject. sadly i have school tomorrow and WAY too much algebra homework. plus i'm getting back a bordering-on-illegally-hard test in world history. plus 2 notebook checks. and gym class. and i have something due for english but i dont know what! the only friend i have in that class who could tell me is in a time zone 14 away! die you limited-distance calling plans! stupid Euraguay, so dang far away...

Eat your veggies (feed them to the dog under the table)
Respect your elders (don't trust anyone over 30)
And have a nice day (WHO CARES ABOUT YOU. MY SCHOOLWORK PROCRASINATION IS COMING BACK AND BITING ME IN THE A**! fluck fluck fluck. my friend says that so teachers can't bust her for swearing during Algebra pop quizzes)

Take Care,
Anna Gangwar
P.s. wow. I got off subject a LOT in there. SORRY LUV YOU ALL!!!!!!!

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