Sunday, January 17, 2010

the horror that is being a whindian part 1

You guys don't know this, but i'm a hindian. whindian, to be exact.
what is this strange new term? is she saying she's hindu.
I SAID HINDIAN NOT HINDUAN(is hinduan even a word?)
Whindian means that I am half white, half indian(the subcontinent india. while both cultures have tribes, india is on a different continent.)
I'm bi racial. if you have a problem with that, well i get it all the time so screw you!
It's funny, when i told a couple of girls in my hralth class(shudder) that i was half white half indian, that no, i wasn't adopted, and yes, my parents are still together, they just shots looks at eachother that said more than words could ever.
but, i've gotten it since i was in 1st grade, so i deal. still, ouch. but the icing on the cake, the thing that made this (insert rude term for bi-racial here)even more of a leper, was my religion.
or lack thereof.
i'm an explicit strong aetheist.
aetheist are classified by weak vs, strong and implicit vs. explicit
explicit strong aetheim is the concious belief that no god(s) exsist. that is only the most basic and raw definition. i would write more but it 1:13 AM so i'll continue it later.
don't finish your bucket list while i'm gone,

1 comment:

deb said...

hey max sorry u werent in my dream, but i think about u like crazy. and these were 2 different dreams that wer sorta alike