Friday, January 22, 2010

Why I Hate My Sister

My bitchy older sister is taking SATs tomorrow. i've heard of stressed, but shes just a bitch. She said i was making noise and had to be quiet when my headphones were on and i was sitting on my bed. She also said i had to turn my light off because it "wasn't dark enough" in her room. Suck it up, I have 3 huge windows facing the very bright upstreet(teen hangout area), but you dont see me bitchin all over the place, miss one-window-facing-away-from-your-bed-thick-curtains-bitch! my door was closed all the way and i'm all the way down the hallway, my door not facing hers. she said she had to get up early for tests, but it was midnight! she should have been in bed at 8:43! I make her lunch, give her great gifts, always try to make her happy, and now shes just gone full on wicked bitch of the west on me!
I hope you don't die, but Star...,

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