Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Lorain may be skipping the 8Th grade and going straight to high school!
I won't have to see her in my classes ever again!
THANK YOU JE-ZUS(oh and could you say hi to great grandma Rose? thanks!)
please let Lorain decide to skip!!!
her best friend Alyssa doesn't want her to go. She says she's just looking out for her, but we all know she's jealous and also afraid of having to think for herself instead of just copying Lorain like Arthur Bauer to Erik fisher in Tangerine by Bloor. Except Lorain isn't popular, but, just like Erik, she and her family act like shes going somewhere, when she's not. That file on daddy's IBM is empty!(book reference)
You know what bugs me? of course you don't, you don't know me at all!
People who act like Harvard Law is going to accept them, no doubt about it, they're going to be supreme court lawyers, marry a doctor, have twins, grow old, learn how to knit, bake cookies with their grandchildren, and die peaceful of old age in their sleep at 101!

read my lips, Alyssa


you have to be able to make decisions on your own in order to do anything at all!
oh, and you have to have a brain too. that's a deal breaker right there
you might have noticed I'm calling her Lorain now.
the spell check on this doesn't have what i called her before and i can't stand those red underlines!!!!!!!!!!

keel over while I'm gone and I'll kill ya
P.S. WATCH V, 2009 coming back in march!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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